Friday 7 September 2012

A2 - Analysis - Total Film Inception Front Cover

Target Audience
The main target audience for Total Film is males aged 15-30, who have an interest in films and access to a cinema regularly, so they can watch the films they read about.

The masthead for Total Film has been changed here, to resemble the background around it, which appears to be similar to a circuit board.

This issue of Total Film has four sections of teaser articles: one directly below the headline, one in the bottom left, one in the bottom right, and one to the right of DiCaprio’s image.

The main colour used is blue, with red used as a spot colour for some of the text. The bright red provides an excellent contrast to the faded and muted blue.

The main image shows Leonardo DiCaprio, carrying what appears to be a silenced gun. This connotes two things: that DiCaprio is in an action film, and that his character relies on stealth, as signified by the silencer.

The most noticeable text is the headline for Inception, with the tagline below reading “Inside the Ultimate Head Trip”. This connotes that this issue of Total Film is going to explain more behind the film, which was found very confusing by many viewers.

Overall, I think this is a good example of a film magazine’s front cover, however from the front cover alone you do not get any idea of what any of the films mentioned are about, or even the genre. If asked to guess Inception’s genre from the front cover alone, I would say sci-fi, when it is a hybrid of sci-fi and psychological thriller, with some horror as well.

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